Christopher Plumbing Services Ltd 08000112628
Welcome to Christopher Plumbing Services, Basingstoke plumber

Plumbing and central heating prices Information about our prices

Our prices are shown below. Customers are also advised to read our Terms and Conditions.

Our labour prices include VAT and apply to investigation, diagnosis, repairs and installation work. We do not have a call-out charge.

Payment by cash, cheque or debit card (no credit cards) is due immediately upon completion of the work. A detailed invoice will be presented by the engineer. The engineers are equipped to take secure debit card payments.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Christopher Elias
Director, Christopher Plumbing Services

About our estimates

Our estimates are based on an estimated time for labour, plus materials.

We try to be accurate when estimating labour time but it is dependent on various factors such as accessibility within the property, condition of the property itself, access to and condition of the central heating and hot water systems or pipe-work, availability of parts and so on. These factors might not become apparent until work has started but we keep the customer informed. All work is time-logged with start and end times confirmed by the customer.

The final invoice always reflects the actual time taken to complete the work in line with the tariff provided. It might be more than the original estimate - or indeed, it might be less!


We may request a deposit to secure the first appointment. If a deposit is taken, it will be shown on the invoice and will be deducted from the final amount due. If you wish to cancel an appointment, the deposit will be refunded, providing that you cancel before 1pm the previous working day. For example, an appointment on a Monday would need to be cancelled by 1pm on the Friday.

New customers will be sent a reminder text (where appropriate) 24 hours before the appointment time. This will confirm the engineer's name and include a reminder about our prices and terms and conditions.

General plumbing services prices

General water plumbing £ inc VAT
First half-an-hour or part thereof £54.00
Each additional half-an-hour or part thereof £39.00
Example: A job taking up to one hour
£54.00 + £39.00
Example: A job taking up to two hours
£54.00 + (£39.00 + £39.00 + £39.00)
Hot water systems * £ inc VAT
First half-an-hour or part thereof £60.00
Each additional half-an-hour or part thereof £45.00
* Unvented or pressurised hot water systems

Gas plumbing prices (natural gas only)

General gas plumbing £ inc VAT
First half-an-hour or part thereof £66.00
Each additional half-an-hour or part thereof £51.00
Example: A job taking 45 minutes
£66.00 + £51.00
Gas boiler service £ inc VAT
Starting from £108.00
Not including a Landlord Gas Safety Certificate
Back boiler service £ inc VAT
Starting from £168.00
Not including a Landlord Gas Safety Certificate
Gas fire service £ inc VAT
Starting from £96.00
Includes checking the flue/chimney
Landlord Gas Safety Certificate £ inc VAT
For up to two gas appliances in the same property, starting from £84.00
Each additional appliance £36.00
Landlord Gas Safety Certificate plus boiler service £ inc VAT
For up to two gas appliances in the same property, starting from £150.00
This is a discounted rate, saving £42.00 on a separate boiler service

Prices apply from 1st October 2023.

Check Christopher Plumbing Services on the Gas Safe RegisterChristopher Plumbing Services is Gas Safe registered

All gas work is carried out by Gas Safe registered heating engineers. Visit the Gas Safe Register.